I’m Anaz and I developed the routing for the app, login in page, authentication flow and firebase backend connection. I like to work on connecting the front end and backend and also the layout of the screens. I’ve had some experience beforehand working on UI but this is my first time working with React Native. It was hard to get into the flow but once I practiced a bit I was able to get the hang of it. I joined this group because of the groups ideals of continuing this project and making it a real production app. We truly believe this app can help people reach their fitness goals with minimized hassle
GithubI'm David and I devolped the Instacart automation system and designed the website. Additionally, I worked on the page where ingredients would be listed on our app. I like automating processes that are often mundane, and this project was very enjoyable to work on. I joined this group because of the inovative idea of having an app capable of oredering ingredients that they were missing from specific recipes.
GithubI’m Francisco and I developed the meal plan page. I helped with the planning of the design and the order of nested pages within our app. I joined this group because of the importance of diet towards achieving a desired living style. In my personal weight loss journey, I fumbled my way through losing weight by forcing myself into extreme measures by exercising excessively, and giving up carbs. It worked, but because I did not know how to plan meals efficiently, I saw this as the only effective method. I want our app to help people plan more efficiently within a desirable diet.
GithubI'm Pouria and I developed the user profile page and made it look nicer. I also debugged the Spoonacular API when it was having issues at first. I really liked working on the database and its interactions with data coming in and coming out. I joined this group because I believe in the project. I believe that having a healthy diet will bring on a healthy life. Many people ruin their lives with their bad diets. Hopefully, this app can guide the user to make better choices.